Sunday, May 1, 2011

Nic Marks: 5 Ways Towards Happiness

Call to action: Measure your happiness daily.

Marks points out that all our visions of the future are apocalyptic and worst case scenarios. Using fear to push any agenda, triggers the fight or flight mechanism. He also notices that our measure for progress is economic. This then appeals to greed. He said we should instead dream of positive futures.

He suggests that new measures should be social justice, sustainability and well-being. He presents worldwide statistics that show happiness, love and health are the top wants of humans.

He introduces the Happiness Index and shows that Costa Rica and other Latin American countries are happy. He mentions Costa Rica's commitment to zero carbon footprint by 2021, they're abolished army and focus on social welfare.

He suggests that better feedback loops must be placed so that citizens will be more aware of their impact in the world. He then shows the 5 things we can do towards a happy life.

1. Connect with people
2. Be active
3. Take notice (be aware)
4. Keep learning
5. Give

I liked the way he said that, "Happiness should not cost the Earth." If you want a little more data for three dollars, read The Happiness Manifesto.

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